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5 Laser Scanning Do’s and Don’ts

5 techniques for getting the best results from your 3D laser scans.


Below we share a few of the things to do and not do when laser scanning in the field.




1. Create a Scan Map.


Using a pencil and a sheet of paper, create yourself a scan map where you’ll mark out each scan location.


The scan map can be used to keep track of which areas have been scanned, and when you’re ready to begin your scan alignment, a scan map is an excellent reference for knowing which scans connect or have overlapping data.


2. Open the Doorways.


Before you press start on your scanner, look to see if there are any doors that may need to be opened. A closed doorway will block a scanner from capturing data inside an adjacent room. A great rule of thumb is to capture as much overlapping data as possible from scan to scan, within reason of course. No need to over scan an area, but you don’t want to under scan or scan too little either.  


3. Avoid Scanning People.


If possible, keep yourself and others out of the scan. A standing person will block a scanner’s view of what is behind them. Same is true with doorways so never stand inside a doorway. A scanner can only capture what it can see, and in most cases your best scan registrations will have unobscured overlapping data between scans.


4. Do Not Move or Reposition Objects.


Every item captured by your laser scanner is going to be useful in the registration process, therefore it’s important that the location of each item matches from one scan to the next. When objects are moved, a scan registration will have a harder time finding exact matches between scans.


5. Avoid Soft Ground and Vibrations.


Before you push start on your scanner, give it a moment to settle in place and avoid placing it on soft ground (where the scanner might slowly sink) or on vibrating walkways that will shake the scanner. Each of these can greatly effect the quality of your 3d scan data.              




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