=====Annotations===== The {{:annotation_32.png?nolink|}} Annotations Manager is found in the main upper toolbar under '[[tools_tab|Tools]] > Annotations'. {{:annotations_scene.jpg?nolink|}} ---- **How to add Annotations to items in the point cloud** 1. Begin by creating an Annotation Object in [[project_explorer|Project Explorer]]. This is done by selecting any folder and right clicking. The folder's context menu will appear. Under 'Create' locate and click on 'Annotations'. Give the Annotations Object a name and Save your project (Ctrl+S). {{:create_annotations.jpg?nolink|}} \\ 2. Select the Annotations Object and drag and drop it into the Scene viewing window. {{:activate_annotations.jpg?nolink|}} \\ 3. Select a scan point and click the {{:annotation_32.png?nolink|}} Annotations Icon under the [[tools_tab|Tools]] tab. 4. Click the 'Add' button and complete the empty text fields for both Name and Note. //The 'Name' field is the Annotation object's name and 'Note' is the text you want displayed.// 5. Click the 'Apply' button and Close. {{:add_annotation.mp4?nolink&848}} \\ 6. Continue to Add or Remove notes, or use the Focus button to bring off screen notes into view. {{:annotation_add_remove_focus.mp4?nolink&848}}