=====Piping System====== **Piping Systems are where your pipe lines and scan fitted pipe models are stored.** **A Piping System must be created** or an existing Piping System added to the project before fitting pipe to your laser scans. Failure to do so will result in the following message box. {{ :no_piping_system.png?nolink |}} ---- ====How to Create a Piping System==== 1. Open the [[project_explorer|Project Explorer]] panel. 2. Right click on any project folder to bring up a context menu. 3. Create > Pipelines. {{ :create_pipelines.png?nolink |}} 4. Name your Piping System and click the 'Accept' button. 5. In [[project_explorer|Project Explorer]], locate the Piping System file and drag and drop it into the 'Scene' window. {{ :activate_pipe_lines_system.png?nolink |}} 6. You can now add line numbers ([[pipeline_list|Pipe Line List]]) and begin fitting pipe to your laser scans ([[fit_pipe|Fitting Pipe]]). \\ → //See also// [[guided_instructions|Step By Step Instructions]], [[piping_tab|Piping Tools]], [[pipeline_explorer|Pipe Line Explorer]], and [[insert_fittings|Insert Pipe Fittings]]